b'LEARNOVATE Learnovates unique selling point is the way the Speech Tech start-up SoapBox Labs was a spin-Centre combines and leverages research in to Trinity College Dublin where founder Established in 2011, Learnovate is one of expertise with a customer-led methodology and Dr Patricia Scanlon worked closely with theEuropes leading research and innovation a purpose-led focus on improving the lives of Learnovate Centre. Learnovate was co-ordinatorcentres in learning technologies. Part of the learners to maximise impact for stakeholders, of the nearly completed H2020 DEVELOP projectEnterprise Ireland Technology Centre members and clients. an application supporting the holisticprogramme and based at the Trinity Technology assessment of transversal skills. and Enterprise Campus at Grand Canal Dock, The Learnovate Centre has a research agendathe Centre has been hosted by the School of led by connections with 300+ organisations and Learnovate researchers are also working on theComputer Science and Statistics for eight years.driven by three principal themes: talent EU-funded SySTEM 2020 and SkillsMatchdevelopment, performance support and learner projects as well as EIT healthcare projectsLearnovates mission is to enhance the development. Technologies include data PEPRECO and SOOTHE.competitive advantage of Irelands learning analytics, with devices and IoT, AI and machinetechnology industry and maximise the success learning, augmented reality and digitalorganisations derive from using learning transformation. Methodologies include learning Leonard Hobbstechnology eectively. Learnovate focuses on personalisation, gamification, learner Directorproviding research, development and motivation, learning experience design, Trinity Research and innovation (RD&I) support and stimulus to start- protecting the learner, assessment solutions, Innovationups and growth companies in Irelands EdTech credential management, tacit knowledgesector to help them develop export market management and transversal skills.potential.49'