b'Research is a huge part of Trinitys DNA. Our In the last five years over 10% of publications Research in distributed systems led to thepassion to pursue great research contributes to include an industry partners, almost twice the founding of Iona Technologies, 10 years ofour teaching and our impact on wider society. national average, and 25% of the Schools research on computer vision led to MachineNowhere is this more evident than in the School publications are in the top 10% of journals. Vision Technologies and deep research inof Computer Science and Statistics. The School computer graphics led to Havok. is home to a wealth of great researchers The School has always been at the forefront offocusing on compelling areas such as Graphics, large scale national initiatives that advance These are but a small sample of the researchVision, AR and VR, Future Cities, Artificial research across the country for the betterment funded by partners in Enterprise Ireland,Intelligence, Digital Content, Networks and IoT, of Irish society and the economy. In the early Science Foundation Ireland and the EUStatistics and Data Science and Software days of Science Foundation Ireland, SCSS agencies.Performance.showed leadership in the Centres for Scienceand Engineering through CTVR and CNGL. This This culture of innovation continues to grow asThe School displays great individual expertise as leadership is currently evident across the school we have come to expect that the School ofwell as an exceptional ability to work in large in the significant SFI funded research within Computer Science and Statistics will regularlycollaborative projects.It has deep connections ADAPT, CONNECT, ENABLE and V-SENSE and the translate deep investigator-led research intoacross the university resulting in multiple co- D-REAL Centre for Research Training.technology licences and spin-outs that deliverpublications with colleagues in Arts Humanities, positive impacts for both the national economyBusiness, Social Sciences, Mathematics, It must be acknowledged that the culture of and wider society.Engineering, Chemistry and many more. research and innovation fostered by ProfessorInternational research collaboration has always John G Byrne in the former Department of Professor Linda Doylebeen a strength of researchers in computer Computer Science kick-started the innovation Vice president of Research, Dean of Research,science and statistics evidenced by culture in Trinity. Professor of Engineering and the Arts at Trinity,collaborations with CERN, Walt Disney, former Director CTVR, founder Director ofEdinburgh, Yale and ETH Zrich being among CONNECTthe top 10 collaborators. Elected TCD Fellow37'