b"In 1960 I went to the USA for graduate Did you know?1957 Synchrocyclotron (SC), CERN's first studies, which involved extensive use of acceleratoran IBM 650 computer (forerunner of the The Trinity Ball was held on campus in 1959 for 1958Modem was inventedIBM 1620), solving engineering problems the first time. Graduates from the 60s might 1959 Pacemaker was inventedusing FORTRAN, assembly language programs, have danced to the strains of Strauss waltzesand the Integrated Civil Engineering System and did the Charleston to the music of Chris In the 1960s(ICES). When Trinity purchased their IBM 1620 Barbers jazz band. They would have also 1960 The Beatles formedProfessor Wright organised research funding and enjoyed the influences of Ray Charles, Elvis 1961 Berlin Wall was erectedenticed me back in June 1964 to work with John Presley and the Everly Brothers. 1963Assassination of John F KennedyByrne to setup the new computer section in the 1964First computer mouseSchool of Engineering A basket of goods and services that cost 100 in 1966 First video game consoleAugust 1969 cost 1,422 in August 2019 1968Assassination of Neville Harris, Professor Emeritus TCD Martin Luther KingDo you remember? 1967 Microwave reached I arrived as an MSc student in Oct-1965 American homesand under the supervision of John Byrne In the 1950s 1969 UNIX created was awarded the first PhD degree in 1954First successful kidney transplant in the1969First landing on the MoonComputer Science in 1968 and appointed world performed by Harvard physicians Lecturer in 1969 Computing facilities in the USA Patient survived for 7 years.during my PhD days included an IBM 1620, paper 1955 The Vietnam War begantape/punch cards and an IBM typewriter. It took 1955 First Microwave oven for home use more than eight hours to solve a set of partial manufactured at a cost of $1,295 dierential equations, and one could easily see a 1957FORTRAN computer language was flickering configuration inventedFrancis Neelamkavil,Professor Emeritus TCD 1957Eveready produced alkaline batteries16"