b"And still they gaz'd and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew. But past is all his fame. The very spotWhere many a time he triumph'd is forgot.The Village Schoolmaster, Oliver GoldsmithHe valued teaching, learning and research in JohnByrne Prizeequal measures, always with the developmentof the individuals full potential in mind; not This prize was established in 2014 with fundsonly personally and professionally but in the provided by Alumni of the School in honour ofcontext of making societal contribution and Professor John G. Byrne, Chair of Computerdeveloping the knowledge and skills needed to Science 1973-2003, and Head of the Departmentcontinue to grow and learn throughout life. of Computer Science from its founding in 1969In his retirement, John continued with his to 1987 and from 1990 to 2001. academic work until his death in 2016, constantlyencouraging those around him. In celebration of excellence, the prize is awardedannually to the student who achieves theHis final legacy to Trinity College was with his highest overall result in the Masters Year of theproject to produce an online searchable version Integrated Computer Science course providedof the Librarys last printed catalogue which the result is at Distinction level. documented all of the Librarys acquisitions priorto 1872an onerous task for most but for John itwas simply a labour of love, a work in progress,another day in the rich tapestry of his life.More about his life and works at:https://scss.tcd.ie/SCSSTreasuresCatalog/12"